First of all I think berry is a fuchen funny guy. I mean, seriously the guy is fuchen funny no question about that.
I listen to this show from the start. Well maybe after 2 weeks of starting his show I started to listen to his show. I listened to the fuchen show religiously man. I listen when I was commuting and laugh my fuchen ass off on the train and yes some people looked at me like a fuchen rehab.
I liked the fuchen show and agreed with berry on many things. I have to thank berry for open my eyes on a lot of shit and damn, the show was entertaining, even with the early morning shows of berry before his job... lol, that was funny shows. also when the first guests came for the shows... dare was funny at the start, leaving ridiculous voice messages and getting ripped from berry.. lol. also mr rights, hydro etc. nicholos was good on the show. and i didn't like gunwich at all. ripping the shit from thundercat was hilarious. david x.. lol, gay lines lol that shit was funny shit.
the forums was good too and even the fuchen savoy prick (i got banned from the forums for threaten savoy) was posting and of course berry was a very big name. it made the show better.
then all the shit happens of berry deleting the forums and his show went to shit. its complete garbage now. then his fuchen jew got posted and he took that badly.
but i see berrys point.
berry deleted pics from anyone who asked on his forums. he asked nickolos to delete the pics and nickolos didn't. i wonder if berry posted pics and photoshops of nickolos midget can nickolos take that?
berry made lots of mistakes, but the guy is as dumb as a brick. he pissed everyone off when he delete his forum and pissed on all the posters. what a fuchen stupid stupid move and the savoys/mehows/rsd/theone were fuchen laughing their asses off at berry stupidity.
i think berry needs to apologise to everyone he pissed off.
Barry could post photoshops of the midget...........and neither I nor the midget would care.
When that stuff went down with his gf's pics, I even offered to post my gf's pics in the same thread to make his gf feel better, but he said that wasn't good enough.
His gf is insecure, and she owns him, so he pussed out and came to me whining about it. If my gf's pics were on the internet and people found them and posted them on his website and photoshopped them, I could give a fuck, and neither could my gf. But if I was dating someone who came to me whining about her pics being on a friend's forum, I wouldn't ask my friend to do something about it, she would just have to get over it.
That's the difference between barry and me. Barry will let a girl own him and tell him what to do with his friends. If a girl tries to tell me what to do with my friends, I tell her to "get fucked".
Nobody should be above scrutiny or criticism, including website owners. For some reason barry feels that himself and his gf should be above scrutiny.
In all honesty, seem like barry along with urban are community greatest failure.
Most guys goal in the community are to become financially and sexually successful. Barry manage to date a fairly average looking girl and now diss guys who clearly have develop themselves as a person much more than he ever did. I'm not talking about cult leader like tyler, but barry also diss guys like mystery, neil strauss etc.
Wether you like neil or not, he's a successful multi millionaire writer long before he bother writing the book the game. What exactly is barry, some glorified troll at best.
I mean trolling on forum is great for the lulz, but it's hilarious someone try to make a living out of it heh.
Now even his gf dump him. If i were him, i would call mystery and beg mystery for a free bootcamp and get a new gf. Maybe mystery or neil will have sympathy on his sorry ass.
I still like Barry and while I definitely think he's wrong about a lot of personal development- he definitely brought things down to earth for me and others.
I disagree with him regarding the forum, and how he treated some of the people who were his "friends".
I do think he likely has two different identities and that he's confused between them.
There's "Barry" the nice guy he is with his friends family and girlfriend and there's "show" Barry.
Which one is/was he with the people he had help with the show, including Nicholaus?
Well I don't know enough of the story to comment, but I will make a general comment since I am in contact with a few people who have helped him out..
I do know that people who did "business" with him said he was super nice when talking to him privately, even if he dissed them on his show or said this or that.
But its hard to say- I would say that since he hasn't met a lot of the forum posters (in the flesh I mean), and they were associated with "show stuff" he felt less of a connection with them- or maybe he felt like his differences with them were more trivial since he didn't know them in "Real life" (I mean actually met them in person and hung out with them for an extended period of time)
Maybe dare I say a word from the community he "compartmentalizes" friends from the show versus friends in real life.
I don't know- the guy has a lot of major issues and he's having to deal with them everyday.
I guess I would say I feel sorry for him in a way, that's all.
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